Sponsorship Opportunity: Saveline & Nayiga
Each month, we highlight two employees who have not yet been fully sponsored. When one of our employees is fully sponsorship, it means a generous donor or group of donors has agreed to make monthly donations in her honor. A sponsorship can be in any amount and it takes $150 per month to fully sponsor one woman. You can read more about sponsorship levels by clicking here. While the levels are set amounts, you may make a monthly donation of any amount and we will combine yours with others to create a full sponsorship for one woman.
When the needs of an employee are covered by a donor, it frees up funds used by the organization for other needs of the ministry.
We are excited to introduce you to this month’s featured employees.
Please welcome Saveline and Nayiga!
“In my life, when I have food to eat with my children, I have peace. I plan to save money, buy a goat and a sheep, and to rent a piece of land.”
Saveline is the mother of six daughters and one son. Before coming to work for Handspun Hope in July 2008, she would send her children to the market to beg for food and money. Sometimes they were so hungry they would steal. Now, Saveline is living with her children in a government-built house with doors, windows and a roof. She is now able to buy food and clothes for herself and her children. In the last few years, she has experienced God’s healing in her life, saving her from alcoholism and bitterness.
Saveline needs $75/month to be fully sponsored
“I am happy when I am healthy and my children are healthy. I dream of rebuilding my home so that it has water and electricity.”
Nayiga grew up without a mother. Her father was an alcoholic who refused to pay the educational fees for his children, so Nayiga was forced to drop out of school. She is a single mother to two children. Before joining Handspun Hope, Nayiga tried to start a small business selling maize in order to support her family, but the business did not generate enough income. Now, Nayiga earns a steady income knitting beautiful pieces. She is grateful for her job and for the access she has to counseling.
Nayiga is currently unsponsored
When you choose to support a woman - through a full or partial sponsorship - you are directly impacting her life and that of her family. And, if you are offering a partial sponsorship, we want you to know that your donation will be joined with that of others to create a full sponsorship.