Join our Prayer Team

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Romans 12:12

If you are passionate about intercessory prayer, we would love for you to join us in a focused and committed way as we lift up the ministry of Handspun Hope and all that God is doing in Rwanda.

A member of the prayer team, you will receive a monthly prayer focus email update that will include:

    • Specific ministry-related prayer requests

    • A highlighted group of Handspun Hope employees so that by the end of the year, we will have prayed for each one by name

    • A written prayer that you can repeat, or use as inspiration for your own words you’ll speak to God 

You may also receive urgent prayer request emails from time to time.

Intercession is a vital part of our ministry, and we cannot wait to see the way God moves as we take our requests before him.